June 15 was World Day Against Elder Abuse. For the past 6 years, Laval residents have been invited to take part in “Laval en marche pour la bientraitance des personnes aînées”, organized by the CCMVL (Comité contre la maltraitance liée au vieillissement à Laval).
Marches were held throughout the region at 10 a.m.: CISSS, RPAs, CHSLDs, community organizations and groups of individuals marched in their sectors to raise awareness and show solidarity.

Last year, TRCAL initiated an intergenerational walk in collaboration with CCMVL, involving Villemaire elementary school students and CATAL (Comité d’animation du troisième âge de Laval), and this year, 5 school-community center twinnings took part in the “15 minutes for June 15” event, mobilizing over 1,000 students, seniors and partners! Participating organizations were APARL (École Jean XXIII), SCAMA (École Saint-Norbert), CCRVA (École Arc-en-Ciel), CATAL (École Villemaire) and Centre Montrougeau (École des Cèdres).

Bandanas were handed out to participating children, and notepads with the walk theme and logo for seniors. A free virtual conference presented by Lucilab was broadcast at 1 p.m. on the theme: “Taking care of yourself, good habits to adopt”.
See our videos and photo album on
Facebook page.