Our events
TRCAL promotes major events dedicated to seniors.
TRCAL recognizes and values the contribution of seniors in society by organizing and promoting major events such as the International Day of Older Persons and the Tribute to Seniors Award. It is also associated with “Laval en marche”, an annual activity for the good treatment of seniors.
International Day of Older Persons
Celebrated on 1er October of each year and highlighted at the national level by the Conférence des tables régionales de concertation des aînés du Québec (CTRCAQ), the TRCAL brings this event to the regional level to raise public awareness of issues affecting seniors and to value their contribution to society. It kicks off the Semaine lavalloise des aînés for which TRCAL is a partner with the City of Laval.
Prix Hommage Aînés
Presented annually in each region of Quebec to a senior who has distinguished himself or herself through exceptional volunteer work, the Quebec government’s Prix Hommage Aînés recognizes exemplary dedication to the well-being of seniors and their increased participation in society. The TRCAL receives the regional nominations and an independent committee analyzes them and makes a recommendation to the responsible Minister.
Laval en marche pour la bientraitance des personnes aînées
June 15 has been declared World Elder Abuse Day. For the past few years, the Comité de concertation pour contrer la maltraitance liée au vieillissement à Laval (CCMVL) has been the instigator of the regional walk for good treatment, of which the TRCAL is one of the partners.