About the TRCAL
Who are we?
The Table régionale de concertation des aînés de Laval (TRCAL) is a regional body dedicated exclusively to seniors. Reporting to the Secrétariat aux aînés and the Ministre responsable des Aînés et des Proches aidants, the TRCAL carries out consultations on the issues faced by Laval’s senior population. It brings together organizations offering services and activities to seniors in the region and promotes them. The events put forward by the Table Régionale de Concertation aim to value and recognize the importance of seniors in the community.
The mission of the Table régionale de concertation des aînés de Laval is to be a regional forum for exchange, consultation and partnership among Laval organizations serving seniors in order to unite their voices to better understand the needs and issues of seniors in the region. The TRCAL also acts as a reference point and information relay to all ministries and authorities concerned with the living conditions of seniors.
To be the independent and representative body of Laval’s organizations for seniors and the leader on all issues related to improving the living conditions of Laval seniors.
Respect is a feeling of consideration for others. In this sense, the TRCAL values listening, fairness, openness and acceptance of each other’s particularities. The TRCAL also takes an inclusive approach by recognizing the mission and skills of its members.
Collaboration is the act of working or thinking together to achieve a goal. In this perspective, the TRCAL values sharing, cooperation, cohesion, pooling of expertise and team spirit. We believe in consultation and collaborative work to maximize creativity and efficiency while mobilizing energies for the benefit of Laval seniors.
Rigor is manifested by consistency and conscientiousness. In this sense, the TRCAL is fully committed to ensuring the quality of the actions undertaken, and believes in the importance of reaching the objectives. In the spirit of accuracy and professionalism, the TRCAL fully assumes its decisions.
Credibility is the character of what is reliable and serious. The TRCAL’s credibility is based on its authenticity, transparency and independence. We act openly, with honesty and integrity. We advocate good communication and information flow regarding our functioning, objectives, actions and results.
The visual identity of the TRCAL
The TRCAL logo features a clean and simple signature with contemporary typography, highlighting the A for Aînés, the french word for seniors. It represents strength and humanity.
The flower symbol represents freshness, light, diffusion, openness to the outside world and radiation. It also reminds us of the TRCAL’s mission of consultation and that of collecting, communicating and disseminating information or resources from the community to its various clients.
The different shades of lavender and purple are soft, but vibrant at the same time. They suggest serenity, calm, quietude and protection. They also represent the vast cultural diversity of Laval.
Member of the CTRCAQ
The Conférence des tables régionales de concertation des aînés du Québec is made up of the 18 Tables régionales de concertation located throughout the regions of Quebec. It accompanies them and mobilizes them, in addition to representing them before various authorities on the major issues affecting seniors in Quebec.
Charte de la bientraitance envers les personnes aînées LGBTQ+
The TRCAL adheres to Fondation Émergence’s principles of good treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans seniors.