Our Mandates

    • Represent the diversity of seniors and support regional consultation.
    • Promote the harmonization of actions at the regional level while taking into account local realities.
    • Act as an information relay to organizations that group or offer services to seniors in the region on the existence of government policies and programs that concern them.
    • To provide the Minister with information and advice that will improve the quality of life for seniors in the region.
    • Recognize and value the involvement of volunteers who work with seniors.
    • Participate in the qualitative analysis process of regional projects submitted to the Quebec (QADA) and Canadian (NHSP) financial assistance programs.

Action plans

The action plan for the year 2022-2023 is a continuation of several actions initiated in 2021-2022 hence its inclusion. Presented at the Annual General Membership Meeting on June 8, 2022, it identifies new goals for TRCAL.

The document will be available soon.

The 2021-2022 action plan was presented at the annual meeting on June 22, 2021. With the pandemic beginning in March 2020, several actions from the previous action plan have been deferred or are within the continuum of mandates identified by the Seniors Secretariat.

The summary of the action plan illustrates TRCAL’s new goals for the current year.

General regulations

Our Mandates

    • Represent the diversity of seniors and support regional consultation.
    • Promote the harmonization of actions at the regional level while taking into account local realities.
    • Act as an information relay to organizations that group or offer services to seniors in the region on the existence of government policies and programs that concern them.
    • To provide the Minister with information and advice that will improve the quality of life for seniors in the region.
    • Recognize and value the involvement of volunteers who work with seniors.
    • Participate in the process of qualitative analysis of regional projects submitted to the financial assistance programs of the Government of Quebec (QADA) and Canada (NHSP).

Consultation reports

Over the past few years, TRCAL has addressed several regional issues affecting the Laval senior population. The reports resulting from these special regional consultations were presented to various political bodies, partners, the Secrétariat aux aînés and the Ministre responsible for Seniors and Caregivers. For each theme, the main issues and many possible solutions are identified.

Special Regional Consultation – Volunteer 2022

The lack of volunteer human resources has taken on a new dimension with the pandemic. It was appropriate to consider how to attract new volunteers, promote and raise awareness of the importance of volunteering according to different profiles and models. This concertation was realized in collaboration with the Centre de bénévolat et moisson Laval.

Special Regional Consultation – Home Support 2021

Home Support was the subject of a special virtual regional consultation during which three issues were identified for discussion: Access to services, lack of awareness of available services and lack of human resources. More than 160 possible solutions and 10 regional and national recommendations emerged.

Special Regional Consultation – Housing 2019

Housing for seniors is an important issue that was chosen as the theme for this special regional consultation.

Regional consultation – Deconfinement 2020

Presentation of the members of the board of directors

France Boisclair

Inspiration from France to give the next one, from “The man who planted trees“The character of a human being reveals exceptional qualities, if we can observe his or her actions over many years. If this action is devoid of all selfishness, if the idea that directs it is of an exemplary generosity, if it has not sought a reward anywhere and if, in addition, it has left visible marks on the world, then there is no risk of error, before an unforgettable character.

France is the Executive Director of ALPA-Association Lavalloise des Personnes Aidantes.

Crazy woman? Is she still losing her documents? The girl who grumbles? This is how Brigitte describes herself! To this, let’s add his sense of self-deprecation without question.

Brigitte is Coordinator of the AQDRLL – Association québécoise de défense des droits des personnes retraitées et préretraitées de Laval-Laurentides

Brigitte Tremblay

Monique Bernatchez


Femme visionnaire au rire communicatif, elle possède une connaissance approfondie du milieu. Rassembleuse et ouverte aux nouvelles idées, elle vit quotidiennement les valeurs du CATAL. Monique est directrice générale du CATAL - Comité d’animation du troisième âge de Laval.

Josée Laperle


Josée Laperle est à la direction de son organisme depuis près de 8 ans déjà ! Personne impliquée et dévouée, elle a le souci du travail bien fait. Josée est directrice générale du CAAP de Laval - Centre d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes - Laval.

Mara Audet-Leblanc


Je suis une personne dévouée, impliquée, mais surtout qui met de la vie partout où je vais ! Il faut que ça bouge ! Mara est directrice générale de l’ALTA - Association Lavalloise pour le Transport Adapté.

Yves Brouillette


Tout en étant boute-en-train, Yves sait être accueillant, engagé et disponible pour aider dans sa communauté. Yves est membre du conseil d’administration de la FADOQ-Laval.

Gynet Séguin


Depuis plus de 25 ans dans des postes de gestion, au service des aînés et des gens en recherche d’autonomie. « Les valeurs qui me définissent : Intégrité, collaboration et transparence. Ce sont ces valeurs qui orientent mes actions, ainsi qu’un réel désir de mener des initiatives concertées pour répondre aux besoins des gens qu’on dessert. » Gynet est directrice générale de la Coopérative de soutien à domicile de Laval.

Guy Lemieux


Le journalisme mène à tout… pourvu qu’on en sorte ! « J’ai eu le coup de foudre pour les organismes communautaires. J’ai comme philosophie : Faites ce que vous pouvez avec ce que vous avez là où vous êtes ». Guy est directeur général du CRVA - Centre Communautaire Le Rendez-Vous des Aînés.

Carole St-Denis


Femme-orchestre hyper dynamique et rassembleuse qui sait mener avec beaucoup de doigté plusieurs dossiers de front et dont l’engagement est irréprochable. La communication est le moteur de ses réussites.

Hélène Nadeau


Après une formation en enseignement des arts, Hélène a œuvré dans les musées en tant qu’éducatrice. Au fil de la vie professionnelle et avec l’ajout de formations, elle est devenue une gestionnaire d’OBNL du milieu culturel et du milieu de l’éducation. « Être à Lumi-Vie, c’est avoir la chance de travailler dans un nid de bienveillance pour les êtres humains en souffrance ». Hélène est directrice générale de Lumi-Vie.

Become a member of the TRCAL

The Table régionale de concertation des aînés de Laval has three categories of members: regular members, associate members and individual members.

Benefits of TRCAL Membership:

  • To be part of the largest group of associations representing seniors in Laval;
  • To be consulted and represented with regional and governmental decision makers;
  • Be informed quickly about available funding for which you may be eligible and receive information about seniors;
  • Participate in regional consultations on seniors’ issues;
  • Benefit from visibility on our website and the announcement of your special activities in our monthly newsletter, on our Facebook page and in our interactive web calendar.

A visit to our site will allow you to learn more about the major issues affecting seniors in which TRCAL is involved.

To become a member, please complete the interactive membership application form below. This will be submitted to the TRCAL Board of Directors for approval.

25 St Louis Street suite 117, Laval, QC H7G 4W3
Tel. : 450 667-8839
Court. [email protected]

TRCAL’s mission is to improve the living conditions of seniors in the Laval region, in collaboration with its members and partners.

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