About the TRCAL
About the TRCAL
Presentation of the members of the board of directors

France Boisclair
Inspiration from France to pay it forward, from "The Man Who Planted Trees": The character of a human being reveals exceptional qualities, if we can observe his action during long years. If this action is devoid of all selfishness, if the idea that directs it is of an exemplary generosity, if it has not sought a reward anywhere and if, in addition, it has left visible marks on the world, then there is no risk of error, before an unforgettable character.
France is the Executive Director of ALPA-Association Lavalloise des Personnes Aidantes.

Sylvie Deschamps
Vice President
With a bachelor's degree in recreation and a master's degree in leisure, Sylvie has experience in process analysis, project management and customer service. Her experience in various types of businesses (NPO, SME and governmental organizations) has allowed her to have a great capacity of adaptation and to be able to work in various environments. Since her arrival at the FADOQ - Laval Region, she has participated in the revitalization of this network through her dynamism and creativity. Her motivation for being a director on the TRCAL board is to be able to join a network of organizations that care about the well-being of Laval seniors and to share her expertise with them.

Josée Laperle
Josée Laperle has been at the helm of her organization for nearly 8 years now! She is a committed and dedicated person who cares about a job well done.
Josée is the Executive Director of the CAAP of Laval - Centre d'assistance et d'accompagnement aux plaintes - Laval.

Monique Bernatchez
A visionary woman with a contagious laugh, she has an in-depth knowledge of the subject. Rallying and open to new ideas, she lives the values of the CATAL every day.
Monique is the Executive Director of the CATAL - Comité d'animation du troisième âge de Laval.

Barbara troyansky-klein
I've volunteered most of my life with the young and the young at heart. I've made a career out of it!
I am a very proactive person with extensive experience working with English-speaking seniors. I feel privileged to be able to join the TRCAL team.
Barbara has been AGAPE's administrative assistant and project coordinator for 10 years.
I am a very proactive person with extensive experience working with English-speaking seniors. I feel privileged to be able to join the TRCAL team.
Barbara has been AGAPE's administrative assistant and project coordinator for 10 years.
Michel Guindon
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monique sauvé
"Too many seniors are alone, too many seniors are poor and so many seniors need help. To be part of TRCAL is to have the privilege of having a voice to speak out on their realities, their daily lives, and to participate in thinking about solutions for them. In short, with Carole and our colleagues on the Board of Directors, we want to contribute to the dignity of our Laval seniors!
Monique is Executive Director of the Laval Meals-on-Wheels Association.

luis h. segovia
A social worker for 16 years, he has an academic background in criminology, psycho-education, sexology and human resources.
Perpetually in search of innovation, he's not satisfied with the status quo. The following quote describes his state of mind during his career.
"A group of committed, thoughtful citizens is capable of changing the world. In fact, that's always been the case." -Margaret Mead
Luis is in charge of human resources at MAUV

Brigitte Tremblay
She holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and has worked for many years in public relations and communications. This experience is put to good use in her organization, which she has been coordinating for almost 10 years, to defend the rights of seniors.
Brigitte is the coordinator of the AQDR - Association québécoise de défense des droits des personnes retraitées et préretraitées, Laval-Laurentides region.

Carole St-Denis
Executive Director
She is a very dynamic and unifying team player who knows how to handle several files at once with great skill and whose commitment is beyond reproach. Communication is the engine of its success.