The Trcal



Respect is a feeling of consideration for others. In this sense, TRCAL values listening, fairness, openness and acceptance of each other’s particularities. TRCAL also takes an inclusive approach by recognizing the mission and skills of its members.

The collaboration

Collaboration is the act of working or thinking together to achieve a goal. In this perspective, TRCAL values sharing, cooperation, cohesion, pooling of expertise and team spirit. She believes in consultation and collaborative work to maximize creativity and efficiency while mobilizing energies for the benefit of Laval seniors.

The rigor

Rigor is manifested by consistency and concern for a job well done. In this sense, the TRCAL is fully committed to ensuring the quality of the actions undertaken, and believes in the importance of achieving the desired objectives. In the spirit of accuracy and professionalism, TRCAL fully assumes its decisions.


Credibility is the character of what is reliable and serious. TRCAL’s credibility is based on its authenticity, transparency and independence. She acts openly, with honesty and integrity. It advocates good communication and information flow regarding its functioning, objectives, actions and results.

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